kaikukortti kuvituskuva

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For the locally responsible persons

This section offers information about the tasks of the persons responsible for the Kaikukortti activities in the participating localities.

Kaikukortti activities are a form of cooperation among the local Kaikukortti networks and their municipalities, cultural service producers and producers of social, healthcare and wellbeing services. The responsibility of coordinating projects for testing Kaikukortti in practice and maintaining the activities locally is always local. The role of the Kaikukortti support and development service is to provide training for the locally responsible persons and mainly remote support with piloting and maintaining the activities, and to participate in the local development work, such a feedback meetings.

Tasks of the locally responsible persons

Examples of the tasks of the locally responsible persons (all the tasks are listed in the agreement between the locality and the Kaikukortti support and development service):

  • Negotiation on getting new cultural venues and social welfare and healthcare units to be part of the local Kaikukortti network. New issuers of the card are discussed first with the Kaikukortti support and development service.
  • Communications regarding the local Kaikukortti activities:
    • Producing, printing and distributing the Kaikukortti communications material aimed at the focus group (e.g. brochures).
    • Maintaining and updating the local Kaikukortti website presenting the local Kaikukortti activities.
    • Administering the local Kaikukortti feedback email.
  • Making agreements with the local Kaikukortti pilots and, after the pilot phase, with the new organizations in the Kaikukortti network, based on the agreement template prepared by the Kaikukortti support and development service.
  • Instructing on and introducing the Kaikukortti model and the Kaikukortti national guideline to the social welfare, healthcare, wellbeing and cultural actors that are part of the network.
  • Organizing a feedback meeting (at least once a year) and possible other meetings among the Kaikukortti network.
  • Compiling the aggregate statistics on the usage and users of Kaikukortti in the locality and delivering them to the Kaikukortti support and development service.
  • Participating in the updating of the Kaikukortti national guideline, if need be. The main responsibility and decision making powers regarding the national guideline rest with the Kaikukortti support and development service.

On the Finnish-language pages you will find more instructions and information for the locally responsible persons.

Kaikukortti national guideline

All the Kaikukortti partners must commit to the guideline. It is very important that the operating principles are followed. This ensures that the system works in the same way in all the Kaikukortti localities. The guideline is based on equality and the right of the focus group to participate in our common cultural life. The guideline has been developed together with actors in the cultural, social welfare, healthcare and wellbeing sectors and the focus group in workshops carried out during the Kaikukortti pilot projects. The guideline has been revised based on feedback on the Kaikukortti pilots and activities.

The guideline has been developed to promote equal opportunities in the cultural field. Some of the Kaikukortti localities have however also included operators in the field of sports. These actors are also expected to follow the same guideline.

The Kaikukortti national guideline describes the national operating principles of the Kaikukortti framework. The cultural operators and sports venues and communities as well as actors promoting social welfare, wellbeing and health in the Kaikukortti network commit to these principles.

The guideline was updated on 8 December 2021 and it is valid until further notice.  

The Kaikukortti national guideline 2022 [PDF]
The Kaikukortti national guideline 2022 [DOCX]


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