kaikukortti kuvituskuva

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Kaikukortti statistics

The issuers of the Kaikukortti card in the different localities and the participating cultural and sports venues and communities collect data on the issuing and usage of the card. Demographic data are collected on the users, such as life situation, age and gender, but no data that would individualize the user. The individual ID codes on the cards (letter and/or number series) are also recorded at the cultural venues, as well as a mention of whether a ticket for the user’s child/children has been acquired along with the user’s ticket. This is done to gain information on how and where a card has been used. The statistics offer information on the users of the card, regarding, for example, their different life situations. These data cannot however be traced to the individual users. Anonymity of the users is one of the key principles of the Kaikukortti model.

Kaikukortti statistics (in Finnish)

National Kaikukortti statistics

Year 2019

According to the statistics for 2019 altogether 5 086 Kaikukortti cards were issued in Finland during that year. Of the issued cards, 1 360 had been used. In reality even more cards were issued and used, because the statistics do not include data fron all Kaikukortti areas. The cultural events and adult education courses were attended 10 027 times with the card. The number includes 1 834 tickets acquired for children (cardholders can bring their children/grandchildren along to the events). Note! In the statistics one time of using the card means one admission ticket, one course place or even a season’s pass for adult education courses.

Kaikukortti statistics 2019 (in Finnish) [DOCX]
Kaikukortti statistics 2019 (in Finnish) [PDF]

Year 2018

The statistics for 2018 reveal that altogether 4 528 Kaikukortti cards were issued in Finland during that year. Of the issued cards, 1 261 had been used. The cultural events and adult education courses were attended 5 871 times with the card. The number includes 765 tickets acquired for children (cardholders can bring their children/grandchildren along to the events). Note! In the statistics one time of using the card means one admission ticket, one course place or even a season’s pass for adult education courses.

Kaikukortti statistics 2018 (in Finnish) [DOCX]
Kaikukortti statistics 2018 (in Finnish) [PDF]

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