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Kaikukeskus – Kaikukortti support and development service

What does Kaikukeskus do?

Kaikukortti has its own national support and development service, Kaikukeskus. Its role is to oversee the Kaikukortti system nationally. Kaikukortti is a registered trademark. The objective of the Kaikukeskus -Kaikukortti support and development service is to promote the economic and social accessibility of cultural services. The service also aims to enhance collaboration and cross-sectoral structures between the cultural, social welfare and healthcare sectors and the municipal wellbeing and health promotion sector.

Kaikukeskus helps new localities to pilot the Kaikukortti system, supports the localities that have already established Kaikukortti activities and maintains the national Kaikukortti statistics. The service has modelled the Kaikukortti system of piloting and maintaining Kaikukortti networks and produced instructions and introductory materials for the localities to use.

The responsibility of coordinating the Kaikukortti pilots in practice and maintaining the network locally is always local. The role of the Kaikukortti support and development service is to provide training for the locally responsible persons and mainly remote support with the pilot projects, and to participate in the local development work, such a feedback meetings.

Examples of the tasks of the Kaikukeskus:

  • Develops the Kaikukortti activities nationally.
  • Consults, supports and guides actors in the social welfare, healthcare and wellbeing sector especially regarding the piloting, adoption and maintenance of Kaikukortti activities.
  • Maintains the national Kaikukortti statistics.
  • Produces and maintains the national Kaikukortti guideline and introductory materials for the locally responsible parties and the local Kaikukortti networks.
  • Designs and implements trainings.
  • Maintains the national Kaikukortti website kaikukortti.fi and handles national Kaikukortti communications.
  • Updates the Kaikukortti national guideline, if necessary, in cooperation with the municipalities that are using or piloting the system, local actors in the social welfare, healthcare and wellbeing sector, joint authorities for social welfare and healthcare and the Kaikukortti networks these are engaged in. The main responsibility and decision-making powers rest with the Kaikukortti support and development service.
  • Annually organizes a national (remote) meeting with the persons responsible for the local Kaikukortti networks.
  • Participates, whenever possible, in the feedback meetings of the local Kaikukortti networks.
  • Collaborates in domestic and international working groups and networks.
  • Supports actors in the cultural field especially in accessibility work, especially regarding questions connected to economic and social accessibility.
  • Supports actors in the cultural field in equality issues, also generally with regard to diversity and accessibility.
  • Markets Kaikukortti to new localities.

The support and development service is part of the national Culture for All Service.


Website of the Culture for All Service


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