kaikukortti kuvituskuva

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Looking for company to attend an event with?

Kaikukortti for communities

If you are interested in attending a cultural event with a small group or privately with a designated employee, ask if an employee of a community issuing the card would like to accompany you!

The units that issue the personal cards also have Kaikukortti cards for communities. Employees, volunteers or other representatives of the community can obtain free tickets for themselves and their under 16-year-old clients when organizing a small group visit for one or more clients. The clients who are over 16 years old must bring their personal cards along to the small group visits. A small group can consist, for example, 2–5 persons. Kaikukortti for communities can’t be used for the adult education courses.

Culture companions

Some of the Kaikukortti localities offer voluntary culture companions whom you can ask to join you to a cultural event. There are culture companions in 20 localities in Finland. Read more at the national culture companions website (in Finnish and Swedish).

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