kaikukortti kuvituskuva

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The development of Kaikukortti started as a Culture Passport pilot project (Kulttuuripassin pilotointihanke) (9/2014-12/2015) and it has been continued within other projects: the Kulttuuripassi follow-up project (Kulttuuripassin jatkohanke) (9/2014-15/2018) and the Kaikukortti kaikuu project (11/2017-9/2020).

How did it all start?

The Culture for All Service has been working to promote equal opportunities in the cultural field since 2003. In the early 2010s the service saw the need to examine what measures could help to strengthen the work towards promoting economic and social accessibility. In practice the service wanted, among other things, to explore possibilities to secure the rights of people in a tight financial situation to participate in cultural services free of charge or at a very low cost. In the early 2010s the service made visits to acquaint itself with a few European models (Article 27 and Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur). The Culture for All Service was also part of the Access to Art and Culture Committee appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, which in its final report (2014) suggested that a system be established in Finland that would enable financially challenged people to use cultural services free of charge. The 20th proposed measure:

“The committee proposes that the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture should launch cross-administrative measures to the effect that persons who find themselves in a challenging financial situation could use art and cultural services at a low cost or free of charge. A system should be established in Finland that would enable people of low income to participate in art and cultural services free or charge or with lower admission fees. Organizations in the social welfare sector and other organizations should be made use of in the distribution of so-called “culture passports”. The committee proposes that a pilot project is implemented with the Ministry’s support in one locality, for testing the suitability of the model in Finland. The practical implementation of the project would take place in close cooperation with the Culture for All Service.” (Ibid. 62-63, unofficial translation.)

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (2014). Taiteen ja kulttuurin saavutettavuus. Loppuraportti. (In Finnish, with English abstract), Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön työryhmämuistioita ja selvityksiä 2014: 15.

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